It's Show Time! ...Time to Talk Show Etiquette

May 01 2016
At the start of every show season, both fall and spring, it is a great time to focus on home show etiquette.

When you are assigned booth duty at any trade show remember that you are on display along with your company’s products. You are a selected representative of the company. You are on duty to meet, sell, educate, inform and service customers and prospects. You're not only selling your products - you're selling yourself.

The following are some simple rules of good salesmanship to follow when it’s your turn to man the booth:

  • It’s hard to talk to a customer when you are out of breath from rushing. Allow yourself about 15 minutes in the booth before you go on duty to become familiar with the surroundingsDoing Business
  • Realize that the show provides the unique opportunity to talk to a customer on your turf where you control the environment.
  • Invest in some comfortable shoes. Booth staff should be on their feet and ready to greet visitors, not sitting in the corner resting.
  • Visit with other company personnel after the show. Customers are reluctant to disturb a salesperson that is already engaged in a conversation.
  • Please do not bring any food into the booth during the show. Water is permitted – you will need to keep hydrated, as you’ll be talking to many different people!
  • If you cannot answer the questions, be prepared to refer customers to the proper source. If no one is available, get the customer’s name, address, and phone number and get back to him or her at a later date.
  • Don’t wait for a visitor to ask you a question. Greet people with a friendly smile and act interested in their needs.
  • Don’t “pounce” and frighten people away. A hard sell can often drive away the most interested buyers.
  • Let show attendees browse. When visitors enter your booth make them feel welcome. Let them know you are there to answer any questions.
  • Ask open-ended questions.
  • Keep the booth neat and clean. This includes placing personal belongings in a storage area or in the show’s checkroom.
  • Disappearing acts are great on stage, but you should always inform your fellow staff members when you leave the booth. Let them know when you will return and be prompt.

    Good luck to all the exhibitors taking part in our events. Happy exhibiting and have a great show!
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    CDH Resurfacing Solutions
    Very well managed event by an incredible team of individuals. I am proud to be a part of this show.
    Clint H.
    Home Show Exhibitor